906-450-5033 (new cell phone number)
Welcome to Grand Marais (MI) Rock and Mineral Show website.

906-450-5033 (new cell phone number)
Work on the 2025 Grand Marais (MI) Rock and Mineral Show is now under way. After surveying the show's dealers and talking with attendees, we have decided to change the show to a Friday/Saturday format, rather than the Saturday/Sunday format we have had in the past. As in all years, the show takes place the weekend immediately following Labor Day, which this year is September 5th and 6th. Dealers will be able to set up their booths on Thursday, September 4th from noon until 7:00pm and Friday from 7:00am until 10:00am.
CALL FOR DEALERS: As of this website update, people interested in renting booth space at the 2025 show can now book and pay for their booth space from this website. This can be done by clicking on the desired booth space below. ALL dealers must also fill out and submit a dealer contract. This can also be done from the website by clicking on the DEALER AGREEMENT link at the top of the page. If you do fill out the agreement online, please click on the SUBMIT button at the end of the document. Please note that we must receive your agreement and payment by the end of August. , but we would need to know before the end of August.
Free rustic camping is offered to dealers. To reserve a booth, please click on the corresponding booth type below (or click on SHOP), specify the number of booths desired, and follow on-screen instructions to pay for your booth rental. Also, all dealers must fill out a Dealer Agreement. To do so on this webpage, click on the Dealer Agreement link at the bottom of the page (or in the pull-down menu). After filling out the form, make sure you click the SUBMIT button at the bottom of the form. You can also send us an email at grandmaraisrockshow@gmail.com and request that we email you a copy of the form. Then, you can fill out and snail-mail the form to us along with a check to: Grand Marais Rock Show, PO Box 238, Grand Marais, MI, 49839.
Whether you are an attendee or a dealer, we hope to see you in September!
Volunteers are needed to staff the welcome tables and to perform other tasks during show hours. If you are interested in helping out, please contact Karen by calling 906-450-5033 or via email at grandmaraisrockshow@gmail.com.
About Us
The Grand Maria’s Rock and Mineral Show was established in Grand Marais in 2019, after the Muskallunge Lake State Park rock show was discontinued. The event has since evolved from strictly being a Lake Superior Agate show to include dealers selling rocks and minerals from all over the world, as well as others selling mineral art and jewelry. A new management structure has been set up to organize and conduct the show. Karen Brzys continues to serve as chairperson and will handle dealer contracts and payments and other marketing/management/logistic issues. Bill and Angela Kuhn will manage the inside booths during the show. Joyce and Gary Charron will manage the outside booths. Our hard working managers and volunteers are what make this show possible. Thank you everyone for your efforts to make this show a success for attendees, dealers, and local businesses!
NOTE: The Lutheran Church will have a pancake breakfast fundraiser on Saturday morning from 8:30 - 11:00am. The church is located two blocks west of the show venue across the street from Woodland Park Campground.
This year the Grand Marais Rock and Mineral Show will take place the weekend after Labor Day — September 5-6th. For several reasons, we have switched the show to a Friday—Saturday format, rather than the original Saturday-Sunday format. Dealers can set up the day before the show on Thursday beginning at noon. The show will be open to the public on Friday from 10:00am until 5:00pm. Saturday hours are 10:00am until 4:00pm. The admission fee is $3.00 each including both days; kids 12 and younger are free.
--The Lutheran Church will also have a pancake breakfast fundraiser on Saturday morning from 8:30 - 11:00am. The church is located west of the show venue across the street from Woodland Park Campground.
--VOLUNTEERS NEEDED We are in need of volunteers during the show to help with working the show entry desk, walking security, clean up during and after the show, and more. If you are interested in volunteering, please contact us at grandmaraisrockshow@gmail.com.
--SHOW ENTRANCES AND EXITS Like last year, attendees will be able to pay their entrance fee and enter the show through the main gate at the south end of the pole barn. Attendees will also be able to enter through the east gate to enter the show. The entrance fee is $3.00 for attendees 13 and older; kids 12 and under are free.
--PLEASE DO NOT USE THE INDOOR TOILETS At our first show in 2019, we completely overwhelmed the very fragile septic system at the community center. The bathroom facility is not designed to handle such a large crowd. There are ports-potties and hand sanitizing stations outside on the show's grounds. Please use these or walk over to the flush toilets in the campground located west of the community center complex. The indoor toilets in the community center building are reserved for show personnel and individuals with special needs.
--FOOD TRUCKS Food trucks will be set up in the grassy area behind the community center and next to the east gate. The food trucks will be accessible to show attendees as well as to the general public since they are being situated in an area outside of the ball field fence.
--MUSIC We are waiting to hear if the muscian can entertain us this year during the afternoons on Friday (and maybe Saturday), from the stage behind the pole barn. This will be easy listening, background music to enhance the ambience.
Thanks to Diana Mavis for being our show photographer!
E21738 Brazel Street, Grand Marais, Michigan 49839, United States
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